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Basmati rice amounts converter

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Basmati Rice Conversion Results :

Step 1: Enter an Amount to Convert

* You may enter whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 17 3/8)
* Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (leave blank for unlimited)

Enter Amount : Precision :

Step 2: Select a Basmati Rice
Measuring Unit to Convert From

Step 3: Select a Basmati Rice
Measuring Unit to Convert To

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The Basmati rice type converter instantly translates amounts of Basmati rice between grams g, cups, pounds lb, ounces oz, kilograms kg and other measuring units, and vise versa, the calculator deals with any Basmati rice amounts and most units conversions. This converter uses the following weight and volume units: cup – Metric or US cups of Basmati rice, gram g, dekagram dkg – deca – deka, kilogram kg, ounce oz, pound lb, tablespoon tblsp, fluid ounce fl oz, teaspoon teasp., grain gr and US quart qt of Basmati rice.

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Respond to Basmati rice amounts converter

For online collaboration to improve the Basmati rice amounts conversion | Convert to units and culinary measures., requests for new units or web tools additions, send your feedback.

  1. I was converting to get what is the number of cups from 750 gms of basmati rice?

    Amount : 750 gram (g)
    Equals to : 3.85 cups of Basmati rice.
    Fraction result : 3 4/5 Basmati rice cup U.S.

    Comment from/about : Number of cups for 750 gms of basmati rice?

  2. How many cups of basmati rice is equal to 9 pounds?

    Comment from/about : converting cups to pounds

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