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Milk products weight vs. volume and nutrition details

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Buttermilk low fat

Convert lowfat buttermilk (liquid) measuring units between weight and volume amounts. Buttermilk nutritional information. Enter lowfat buttermilk nutrient values and measures conversion.

Buttermilk whole, full cream

Measuring units conversion and nutrients of whole full fat-cream buttermilk (liquid). Enter whole buttermilk values.

Condensed milk – sweetened

Sweet evaporated milk converter. The sweetened condensed milk (usually canned) type. Convert different measuring units between weight and volume of this milk amounts and values of dietary nutrients. Enter sweetened condensed milk measures conversion.

Dry nonfat milk – instant

Instant dry nonfat milk nutritional information. Convert measuring units between weight and volume amounts. Enter nonfat dry milk conversion.

Dry whole milk – no reduced fat

Convert all instant dry whole milk measuring units from weight or volume units into another. Enter dried whole milk measures conversion.

Goat milk

Convert any goat’s milk measuring units in weight versus volume sense. Nutritional values information for fresh milk from goats. Enter goats milk measuring values converter.

Skim milk powder – low fat milk powder

Low fat powdered milk dietary details information. Convert skim milk powder between volume measures and weight amount units. Enter powdered low-fat milk conversion.

Whole milk powder – full fat milk powder

Convert full fat powdered whole milk measuring units between volume versus weight amounts. Enter whole milk powder conversion and nutrition values.

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  1. Beautiful website. Would you be able to add also buttermilk converters? I need to convert this milk. The truth is that I do not know precisely what butter milk is. We will use it for test baking before our members club function when the milk will be used in large quantity.

    How to convert 1.5 lb buttermilk to liquid measurement?
    1 cup of buttermilk equals how many ounces or grams?
    How much is 1.25 cups buttermilk on weight scales?

    Comment from/about : Buttermilk propeties.

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