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Table salt amounts conversion

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Salt ( table salt ) Conversion Results :

Step 1: Enter an Amount to Convert

* You may enter whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 17 3/8)
* Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (leave blank for unlimited)

Enter Amount : Precision :

Step 2: Select a Table Salt
Measuring Unit to Convert From

Step 3: Select a Table Salt
Measuring Unit to Convert To

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How to find out what is the weight of salt per certain volume? This salt ( table cooking salt ) online conversion tool instantly and precisely converts amounts of table salt between Metric and US unit measuring systems, and vise versa, the calculator deals with all table salt amounts/units conversions for your recipe ingredient measurements and uses any of the following units: dash ( ds ) of salt or pinch of salt, cups ( US and Metric cup of table salt ), gram ( g ), kilogram ( kg ), ounce ( oz ), fluid ounce ( fl oz ), quart dry ( qt dry ), quart ( qt ), pound ( lb ), table spoon ( tblsp ), tea spoon ( teasp ) and dekagram ( dkg – deka – deca ) all common values for salt weight amounts translation. 1 US cup of table salt equals to 273 g grams.

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  1. I was cheking how heavy is dash of salt, and pinch of salt, after conversion to grams and milligrams.

    Amount of salt converted from: 1 dash ( ds ) of table salt,
    Equals into: 0.715 gram ( g ) and 715 mg ( milligrams ).
    Fraction result is: 18/25 gram ( g ) or 715 21/50 milligrams ( mg ).

    Convert salt amount from: 1 pinch of table salt,
    Equals to: 0.358 gram (g) and 357.71 miligrams ( mg ).
    Fraction : 179/500 gram ( g ) or 357 71/100 mg ( milligram ).

    Comment from/about : convert dash and pinch of salt into grams and milligrams

  2. Valuable tool for making calculations between mg of salt to teaspoon comparison converter.

    Amount of salt from volume of: 1 teaspoon ( tsp ),
    Equals to weight: ~ 5.69 grams ( 5.687 50 g ).
    Fraction: 5 69/100 gram ( 5 86/125 g ).

    Amount of salt from the weight of: 1 gram ( g ) = 1000 mg ( milligrams ),
    Equals to volume: ~ 0.18 teaspoon ( 0.175 824 175 824 teasp ).
    Fraction : 9/50 of teaspoon ( 22/125 tea.sp ).

    1000mg = 1g

    Comment from/about : mg salt to teaspoon converter

  3. In about dietary how does it contain in 1 teaspoon of salt.

    Comment from/about : health

  4. after reading this I am still confused to the comparison of 1 teaspoon of salt to mg. equivalent. What is the daily requirement of salt.

    Added by admin: recommended daily intake of salt for humans to consume is 2.4 grams of salt ( 2.4g = 0.14 tbsp ( tablespoon )), as they say, and you should have no more than 6 grams of salt per day apparently.

    Comment from/about : tsp/mg salt

  5. I am still confused as to how much salt by teaspoon equals 1 mg.


    Added by admin: 1 tsp of salt weights 5.7 grams. One 1 gram = 1000 milligrams. And 5.7g = 5700mg , so the 1 teaspoon of salt weights 5700 milligrams. If it’s for ordinary consumption of salt intake I would stick with the grams only.

    All rounded; 1 cup (us) measure of salt is 273 grams per salt amount. 1 cup = 48 tea spoons, 273 devided by this 48 tsp’s number pops out the ~5.7 grams per tsp of salt weight ( 5.69g or 5.688g ) x 48 is the 273g ( weight of cup of salt )! But it’s easier/better to use the calculator to save the time.

    I will add mg’s into this salt calculator for you, if you like. Let me know Verla if you would like that. Maybe it would be practical? Thanks…

    Comment from/about : teaspoon/mg salt

  6. My husband is supposed to have 2 grams of salt per day. How many teaspoons are in 2 grams table salt?

    Comment from/about : Betty

  7. Thank you for making the conversion calculator for table salt available.

    I did not realize how much salt we eat!


    Comment from/about : salt conversion – Carmelo

  8. I had a need to convert salt amount. Salt from cup to grams measure.

    Salt in 1 cup of table salt – US Equals salt in grams 273.00 gram g. Amount of salt from 1 cup of table salt – Metric Equals to 288.48 g ( grams ), Fraction result is 288 12/25 gram (g) of salt.

    Comment from/about : salt from cup to grams measuring conversion – exchange cup of salt to salt in grams

  9. How much grams are there in a pinch of salt? Got the result.

    Comment from/about : Pinch of salt to how many grams of salt conversion.

  10. One dash of salt equals how many teaspoons?
    one dash of salt = 0.1 tsp = 0.04 tbsp
    1 teaspoon ( tsp ) of salt Equals = 7.95 dashes ( ~ 8 ds ) of salt. Fraction : 7 19/20 dash ( 7-9/10 ds ) of salt in 1 tbsp.
    One pinch of salt equals how many teaspoons?
    one pinch of salt = 0.06 tsp = 0.02 tbsp
    1 teaspoon ( 1 tsp ) Equals = 15.9 pinches ~ 16 of salt Fraction : 15 9/10 pinch of salt in one tsp.

    Volume of 1 dash = 2 pinches exactly.

    Comment from/about : How much is a dash of salt in teaspoon ?

  11. I searched for what is an actual salt weight. I got more detailed information not only about the mass of salt what I originally hoped for. Chris

    Comment from/about : Salt Weight

  12. When you add salt to boiling water, does it increase or decrease the boiling point? Per quart or, to again butcher numbers by rounding willy nilly, 3.6 tablespoons per liter. ( see this site for exact salt conversions to assist with salt measures salt measures conversions …) dT = 0.51 * 1 (water is 1kg per liter) * 2dT = 1.02 Which yields a rise of 1°C per 3.6 tablespoons.

    Pingback from/about : Quora

  13. I have a salad that I get from the deli at the store I go to. They have a kit that they put together. For them serving size is 100g and servings per container is 27.5. The amount of sodium in this serving size is 135mg. I buy anywhere between a 1/4 cup to 1 cup of this salad. How do I figure out how much sodium is in the amount that I buy? Thanks, Marilyn.

    added by admin: Marilyn, thanks for that. So the container hold 2.75 kilograms (2-3/4 kgs). I can calculate the sodium per cup or fractions of a cup for you easily now but I need the volume of this container. From the total volume of the container with total weight the variable can be produced.

    Could you ask in the deli if they could tell you what is the volume of this container? The volume level mark up to where the salad reaches when the container is full. Then sodium amount in any volume of this salad can be calculated. And I could tell you exactly how much salt/sodium in milligrams is in the salad; per any amount, either per full cup, fractions of a cup or per any weight of the salad. I will be waiting for what you will find out from them.

    There is another way if you couldn’t get that information. Simply buy slightly more then 1 cup of the salad. At home fill the salad into your measuring cup precisely by scraping off what extends over the rim of the cup. Then empty this amount into some lightweight plastic bag, e.g. a sandwich bag and place it on accurate scales to see how heavy that amount is (if you do not have accurate scales, those in shops will do ok). Let me know the weight result. And also what type of cup you used, Metric 250 ml cup size or US cup? I’ll calculate the sodium level.

    Comment from/about : Marilyn

  14. Hi,
    can you please calrify that if a packet of crispy chips is about 20g and the sodium content per 100g is 690mg, then how do we know how much salt we are consuming per 100g? Because the packet says 20g so does 690mg of sodium is a present in that 20g packet? If yes then what’s the point of putting per 100g column? Quite very confused with this. Many products are out there with less than 100g so why they putting the 100g column when the product is not 100g? Pls looking forward to hear from you, thanks and God bless you with more knowledge to help us in making the right choice!

    added by admin: Darisha, thanks for the note. From the mentioned 690 mg of sodium per 100 grams in a product weight, the 20 grams of crisps contains 138 mg of sodium.

    There are 5 of 20 grams portions per 100 grams. The total weight of your crisps, the 20 grams, is then 1/5th from the common 100g portion. Or else, it’s also 20% from this 100g.

    Calculate salt amount by using fractions formula:
    690 mg : 5 = 138 mg of sodium / in the 20 grams of crisps

    Calculate salt amount but by using percentages calculation formula:
    690mg : 100% = 6.9 milligram
    6.9mg x 20% (mg) = 138mg

    Using the 100 grams standards is more comfortable, also in an opposite sense to your task; if a food package contains e.g. 680g of product total weight, like breads etc., where we usually consume only a fraction at the time and not the whole lot. The use of 100g value on food packaging labels is an International norm. It makes it a lot easier to list nutritional facts per 100 grams of a product amount. From this value it is very easy to establish percentages OR fractions and calculate it quick just by mind, like how much of salt or another nutrient, per any weight, is in any specific product. With percentage and fractions sense it’s easy to get used to really. Always look at the labels, it will get stuck/cleared real soon and you can briefly calculate nutrient amounts (not only salt) as you walk through shops.

    Comment from/about : Darisha Datt

  15. Thanks Maam,

    really appreciate your advise or the guide. Just today I was discussing this with my friend and trying to covert grams to mg and vice-a-versa. We want to make a chart for our awareness campaign that for e.g. how many or what fraction of a teaspoon of salt a packet of chips has or a tin of mutton has etc. so in case if I need your help in conversion to teaspoons can I email you because in Feb next month we going to have the salt awareness week so urgently need to make this poster with teaspoon of salt per 100g pkt etc.. Can u pls give me your email address ??? Thanks a million and GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS.

    No problem I will try to help. I will be remote for ~ 8 to 10 days from tomorrow, so if you describe the salt tasks here it will be great.

    Comment from/about : Darisha Datt

  16. How can I convert or figure out how much salt I am taking in from (example) peanut butter crackers that list 300mg of sodium per one whole pack? Help please and thank you.

    Comment from/about : salt conversion

  17. This is a great converter. Thank you for creating it. I read previous posts and wonder if in the next version you could include for it to convert salt amounts to milligrams? My husband and I can have 1200-1500 milligrams of sodium per day and typically use a pinch or dash measuring spoon. We appreciate all you have done to develop this for folks like us.

    Comment from/about : Julia Williams

  18. i want to the formula for to find out the prices of salt into kg to gm

    can any one help me out ?

    Comment from/about : Gani

  19. […] table salt values indicate somewhere between 273 and 283 grams of standard table salt per cup measure. A US cup is 1/16 of a gallon, or 236.59 milliliters […]

    Pingback from/about : j5mc design » Blog Archive » Salt potatoes: Cracking the code

  20. A friend’s husband has serious salt restriction due to two electro-shock treatments for fast heartbeat that couldn’t be lowered to normal. Her question is:
    Making low-sodium soup and have 3 qt water and added 1 tsp table salt. How calculate the % of salt to volume so we can also calculate the per serving sodium for 1.5cups as a serving?

    Comment from/about : Laura K

  21. Hi Laura,
    It’s nice of you for helping them right now as they need it. Various salts have various sodium levels and some are more healthier. I am not medical doctor but I only buy sea salt for it contains great amounts of other minerals plus iodine (it is a better quality salt). To large extend the table salt is mainly the sodium. Regarding heart and cardiovascular diseases, have you looked at using cayenne pepper, a teaspoon or so mixed in glass of water every day. Learn about that “cayenne pepper” in regards to hearth issues as it might be useful. It slightly burns as I drink it but not for very long. Let me know what you discovered!

    Well, 3 quarts equal to 12 cups. Dozen cups to 1 qt and if you mention 1.5 cup portions, 1 quart makes 8 of one and half cup portions. 1 cup contains 48 teaspoons (or 16 tbsp). Three quarts make 144 teaspoons. These were just my recollections.

    Per your mixing ratio 3 quarts water to 1 tsp of salt – If you use 1 tsp of table salt into 3 quarts of water; that’s 1/12th of teaspoon of salt going into one cup of water, or, 1/8th of teaspoon of salt goes into 1.5 cup of water volume.

    The percentage works out at 576 volume parts of water to 1 volume part of salt. Because:

    One 12th of tsp makes it ~ 0.0833 unit for the calculation (still using that same 3 qt water to 1 tsp salt ratio).

    48 (tsp’s per 1 cup) / 0.0833 = 576

    Comment from/about : Rado

  22. My husband has to watch salt intake. Can you tell me how much salt is 1500 mg a day is in sodium amount?

    Comment from/about : salt intake

  23. Figuring salt concentration in water, i.e.: I use 5 oz. water and add I/4 tsp. salt … what is the concentration of salt in the water?

    Comment from/about : Ruby Reeve

  24. Ruby,
    That’s easy to work out. Is this fluid ounce or is this oz net weight?

    Also are you after a specific percentage of salinity of water? E.g. 0.9% of salt (salt level in our blood) or a percentage measure 3.5%, 10%, 15%, 20-25% of salt volume/weight quantity in an volume amount of water to mix/prepare own lotion.

    Comment from/about : Rado

  25. I am interested (although I am sure I learned it in nursing school in 1970) the % – tage of 1 Tsp sodium in 11 fluid ounces of water. Please … give me the answer, and the formula to get to it calculated. Thank you

    Comment from/about : Ruth James

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