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Himalayan salt amounts converter

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Himalayan Salt Amounts Conversion Results :

Step 1: Enter an Amount to Convert

* You may enter whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 1/2, 3/4, 17 3/8)
* Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (0 – 9)

Enter Amount : Precision :

Step 2: Select salt from Himalayas
Measuring Unit to Convert From

Step 3: Select Himalayan salt crystals
Measuring Unit to Convert To

Himalayan salt amount and nutrition facts conversion

Typical analysis table for
Himalayan salt
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 Pinch of Himalayan salt
289 pinches per 100 g
1/8 cup (30ml – 33.7g) *
Energy per dash serving :
Calories / Kilocalories 0 Cal / kcal Kilojoules
0 kJ
  Nutrients : Per 1/8 cup (30ml) Per 100g
(3.5 oz)
Energy 0 kJ
(0 Cal)
0 kJ
(0 Cal)
Protein 0.03g 0.1g
Fat Total 0.03g 0.1g
Cholesterol 0g 0g
Total Carbohydrate 0.24g 0.7g
Sugars 0g 0g
Dietary Fiber 0g 0g
Sodium, Na 6.07g 18 g
Potassium, K 208.45 mg 618 mg
Calcium, Ca 69.15 mg 205 mg
Iron, Fe 35.55 mg 105.4 mg
Copper, Cu 0 mg 0 mg
Arsenic, As Nil Nil
Cadmium, Cd Nil Nil
Lead, Pb Nil Nil
Ingredients: Himalayan salt, natural salt crystals
Storage instructions: Store in a cool, dry place away/protected from moisture
* 1/8 US Legal Nutrition Labeling Cup equals 30ml

Himalayan natural rock salt, finer grind into not too coarse crystals (finer but still coarse-textured mini salt crystals), grams in a measuring cup, pinch and dash amounts (US measuring cup and Metric si cup)

US cup = 266 grams = 9.4 ounces net weight
Metric cup = 281 grams = 9.9 oz net wt.
Pinch = 0.35 grams = 0.31 ml = 0.01 oz net wt.
Dash = 0.7 grams = 0.62 ml = 0.02 oz net weight

For conversion between other measuring units please use the Himalayan salt converter above.

This salt is found deep inside the natural and pristine Himalayan Mountains. It is mined by hand and then stone ground. The salt mineral crystals range in color from pure white to various shades of pink and even deep reds, hence the salt is also called as the pink salt – if you’d prefer to have on this salt’s page the “pink salt” name instead. Due to its subtle fine mellow flavours resulting from the content of 84 beneficial trace elements including Iron ( Fe ), it truly is a salt simply deliciously suitable for all cuisines of the world.
Unit converters for other salt products you may need: Australian lake salt | Celtic sea salt | French sea salt | Murray River salt | pink salt | sea salt, crystallized | sea salt, fine |

Apart what’s in the natural Himalayan salts nutrition and chemical elements facts table (also referred to as typical analysis), use the Himalayan salt minerals counter to calculate some extra dietary and nutritional information for any amount of this Himalayan salt from Himalayas. E.g. convert value from 1/4 of a cup amount, or 50g, 1 fl-oz servings, 100g, dashes, pinches of the salt, even US legal nutrition labeling cup (240ml/cup). Convert from any portion or measure to other equivalents. These details about Himalayan salt brand can be handy as healthy eating tips, for maintaining healthy diet therefore a personal healthcare plus well being or just to gain an extra information regarding this salt.

The Himalayan salt online web tool makes smooth unit to units conversions. From any new specific weight scales versus liquid measures. From weight in pounds ( lb ), ounces ( oz ), kilograms ( kg – kilo ), dekagrams ( dkg – dag – deca – deka ), grams ( g ), 100 grams ( 100 g ) portion, pints ( pt ) into an equivalent amount size. Or convert volume measures of the Himalayan salt from a value in liters ( l ), deciliters ( dl – dcl ), milliliters ( ml ), fluid ounces ( fl-oz ), gallons ( gal ), quarts ( qt ), pint US ( pt ) liquid, table spoons ( tbsp – tblsp – tbs ), tea spoons ( tsp – teasp ), dashes and pinches of Himalayan salt and convert also from measuring cups into either American US or Metric kitchen units. Enjoy this useful Himalayan salt converter for cooking, baking and the nutrition data as health tips useful for wellness.

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For online collaboration to improve the Himalayan salt amounts converter | Nutrition facts | Convert to units and culinary measures., requests for new units or web tools additions, send your feedback.

  1. I’m trying to find out how much sodium in mg there is in Himalayan salt when I add a pinch to a stock that I’m making.

    The weight of 1 pinch of pink Himalayan salt contains 60 mg of sodium. Converts other volume and density common measuring units of Himalayan salt.

    Amount : 1 pinch-es of Himalayan pink salt,
    Equals : 0.06 g content of Sodium in Himalayan salt, which equals 60 milligrams ( 60mg ).
    Fraction : 3/50 g of Sodium content in Himalayan salt.

    Comment from/about : Ariel Ky

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