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Powdered whole milk amounts converter

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Whole Powdered Milk (full fat) Amounts Conversion Results :

Step 1: Enter an Amount to Convert

* You may enter whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 1/2, 3/4, 17 3/8)
* Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (0 – 9)

Enter Amount : Precision :

Step 2: Select powdered whole milk
Measuring Unit to Convert From

Step 3: Select whole powdered milk
Measuring Unit to Convert To

Whole powdered milk (full fat) amounts and nutrition facts conversion

Nutritional information table for
powdered whole milk
Powdered Whole Milk
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 40g – 1.4 oz whole milk powder
2.5 Servings per 100 g – 3.5 oz
0.4 Servings per 1/8 cup (30ml – 16g) *
Energy per serving :
Calories / Kilocalories 198 Cal / kcal Kilojoules
830 kJ
  Nutrients : Per 1/8 cup
( 30ml )
Per 100g
( 3.5 oz )
Energy 337 kJ
( 81 Cal )
2075 kJ
( 496 Cal )
Protein 4.3g 26.3g
Fat Total 4.3g 26.7g
– saturated 2.72g 16.74g
– trans fat 0.0g 0.0g
– polyunsaturated fat 0.11g 0.67g
– monounsaturated fat 1.3g 7.92g
Cholesterol 15.7 mg 97 mg
Total Carbohydrate 6.2g 38.4g
– Sugars 6.2g 38.4g
Dietary Fiber 0.0g 0.0g
Water (remaining moisture) 0.4g 2.5g
Ash 1g 6g
Selenium, Se 2.6 µg
(micro gram)
16.3 µg
Sodium, Na 60 mg 371 mg
Potassium, K 215.9 mg 1330 mg
Magnesium, Mg 14 mg 85 mg
Phosphorus, P 126 mg 776 mg
Zinc, Zn 0.5 mg 3.3 mg
Calcium, Ca 148 mg 912 mg
Iron, Fe 0.1 mg 0.5 mg
Copper, Cu 0.01 mg 0.08 mg
Manganese, Mn 0.01 mg 0.04 mg
Vitamin C – ascorbic acid 1.4 mg 8.6 mg
Thiamin (vitamin B1) 0.05 mg 0.28 mg
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) 0.2 mg 1.21 mg
Niacin (vitamin B3) 0.11 mg 0.65 mg
Pantothenic acid 0.37 mg 2.27 mg
Vitamin B6 0.05 mg 0.30 mg
Folate (total) 6 µg
(micro gram)
37 µg
Choline 19 mg 117 mg
Vitamin B12 0.5 µg
(micro gram)
3.3 µg
Vitamin A
(IU International Unit)
152 IU 934 IU
Lutein plus Zeaxanthin 0.0 µg
(micro gram)
0.0 µg
Vitamin D
(D2 and D3 cholecalciferol)
0.1 µg
(micro gram)
20 µg
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 0.1 mg 0.6 mg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 0.4 µg
(micro gram)
2.2 µg
L – Lysine 0.34g 2.09g
L – Arginine 0.16g 0.95g
Aspartic acid 0.3g 2g
Glutamic acid 0.9g 5.5g
Ingredients: powdered whole milk (full fat dehydrated milk)
Storage instructions: Store in a cool, dry place
Average expiry time: 1 year from production date
* 1/8 US Legal Nutrition Labeling Cup equals 30ml

Full fat powdered milk (milk powder with full fat) grams in spoons and measuring cups amount (US measuring cup and Metric si cup)

US cup of powdered whole milk = 128 grams = 4.5 ounces net weight
Metric cup of powdered whole milk = 135 grams = 4.8 oz net wt.
Table spoon of powdered whole milk = 8 grams = 0.3 oz
Teaspoon of powdered whole milk = 3 grams = 0.1 oz weight

For conversion between other measuring units use the powdered whole milk converter above. Powdered, whole, milk is more often called simply a dry whole milk (these are just two different names for the same item). We have also a low fat skim milk powder and nonfat dry milk dehydrated milk versions.

Apart what’s in the full fat whole milk powder nutrition facts table, use the powdered whole milk calorie counter to calculate dietary and nutritional information for any amount of powdered whole milk. E.g. convert value from 1/4 of a cup amount, or 50g, 1 fl-oz servings, 100g, even US legal nutrition labeling cup (240ml/cup). Convert from any portion or measure. The tool also makes conversions of fats into energy units, from any amount of fat contained in powdered whole milk. Details about powdered whole milk are handy as healthy eating tips, for maintaining healthy diet therefore a personal healthcare plus wellbeing.

The powdered whole milk online web tool makes smooth unit to unit conversions. From any new specific weight scales versus liquid measures. From weight in pounds ( lb ), ounces ( oz ), kilograms ( kg – kilo ), dekagrams ( dkg – dag – deca – deka ), grams ( g ), 100 grams ( 100 g ) portion, pints ( pt ) into an equivalent amount size. Or convert volume measures of powdered whole milk from a value in liters ( l ), deciliters ( dl – dcl ), milliliters ( ml ), fluid ounces ( fl-oz ), gallons ( gal ), quarts ( qt ), pint US ( pt ) liquid, table spoons ( tbsp – tblsp – tbs ), tea spoons ( tsp – teasp ) of powdered whole milk and convert also from measuring cups into either American US or Metric kitchen units. Enjoy this useful instant whole milk powder converter for cooking, baking and the nutrition data as health tips for wellness.

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Powdered whole milk, full fat milk powder, amounts converter and nutritional values information.

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For online collaboration to improve the Powdered Whole Milk Amounts Converter | Nutrition Facts | Convert to units and culinary measures., requests for new units or web tools additions, send your feedback.

  1. Powdered whole milk nutrition facts in 100g. And grams of whole powdered milk in a cup and one quarter of this milk powder.

    Amount of powdered milk, whole : 1 1/4 cup Equals : 160.00 g ( 160 grams ) of powdered whole milk.

    Comment from/about : Whole Powdered Milk cup to grams. Nutrition whole powdered milk.

  2. What is in whole milk powder nutrient information for calorie, carbohydrates, fats and bad cholesterol, sugars, protein from 1.5 oz weight or 42.50 grams servings.

    Whole milk powder amounts : 1.5 oz ( ounce ) of powdered whole milk,
    Equals to : 41.25 mg ( milligrams ) of Cholesterol.
    Fraction results : 41 1/4 mg of Cholesterol.

    From amounts of whole milk powder for lipids content: 1.5 oz ( ounce net weight ) of full-fat whole powdered milk,
    Equals in : 11.4 g ( grams ) of total Fat.
    Fraction : 11 2/5 g of total Fat.

    Amounts of powder whole milk : 1.5 oz ( 1-1/2 ounce net wt. ) of powdered whole milk,
    Equals into : 210.9 Cal ( calories and kcal kilo-calories 210 9/10 kcal’s ) dietary energy – in dietitians’ matters kcal and cal both are the same so it applies for any milk too.

    Amounts of protein in : 1.5 oz (ounce) of whole milk powder,
    Equals in to : 11.2 g of Protein.
    Fraction : 11 1/5 g of protein.

    Carbohydrates and sugars in 1.5 oz (ounce) of whole powdered milk,
    Equals : 16.3 g of Carbohydrates and sugars.
    Fraction : 16 3/10 g of carbohydrates and sugar nutritional energy.

    Comment from/about : Whole milk powder nutrient.

  3. I was after what is a calorie count of powdered milk in a measuring cup and in 100 grams of the milk powder. ta

    Amount : 1 cup US of milk powder,
    Equals : 634.80 Cal in powdered milk ( ~ 635 calories and – kcal kilocalories) energy – in diet both are equal.
    Fraction : 634 4/5 cal ( calories and – kcal kilo_calories ) energy – in diet both are equal.

    Amount : 1 portion size 100g ( 100 grams ) of whole powdered milk,
    Equals to : 495.94 Cal ( 496 calories in the powder milk )

    Comment from/about : Calorie count powdered milk

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