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Carob chips amounts converter

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Carob Chips (unsweetened) Amounts Conversion Results :

Step 1: Enter an Amount to Convert

* You may enter whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 1/2, 3/4, 17 3/8)
* Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (0 – 9)

Enter Amount : Precision :

Step 2: Select carob chips
Measuring Unit to Convert From

Step 3: Select chips from carob
Measuring Unit to Convert To

Carob chips amount and nutrition facts conversion

Nutritional information table for
carob chips ( unsweetened )
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 20g carob chips
5 Servings per 100 g
1 Servings per 1/8 cup (30ml – 19.7g) *
Energy per 20g serving :
Calories / Kilocalories 107.98 Cal / kcal Kilojoules
451.8 kJ
  Nutrients : Per 1/8 cup (30ml) Per 100g
Energy 444 kJ
(106 Cal)
2,259 kJ
(540 Cal)
Protein 1.60g 8.15g
Fat Total 6.16g 31.36g
– saturated 5.703g 29.018g
– trans fat 0g 0g
– polyunsaturated fat 0.058g 0.295g
– monounsaturated fat 0.095g 0.483g
Cholesterol 0.2 mg 1 mg
Total Carbohydrate 11.06g 56.29g
Sugars 6.70g 34.11g
Dietary Fiber 0.7g 3.8g
Ash 0.52g 2.66g
Water 0.30g 1.54g
Caffeine 0 mg 0 mg
Theobromine 0 mg 0 mg
Selenium, Se 1.0 µg
(micro gram)
5.2 µg
Sodium, Na 21 mg 107 mg
Potassium, K 124 mg 633 mg
Magnesium, Mg 7 mg 36 mg
Phosphorus, P 25 mg 126 mg
Zinc, Zn 0.69 mg 3.53 mg
Calcium, Ca 60 mg 303 mg
Iron, Fe 0.25 mg 1.29 mg
Copper, Cu 0.036 mg 0.183 mg
Manganese, Mn 0.028 mg 0.14 mg
Vitamin C – ascorbic acid 0.1 mg 0.5 mg
Thiamin (vitamin B1) 0.020 mg 0.10 mg
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) 0.035 mg 0.178 mg
Niacin (vitamin B3) 0.204 mg 104 mg
Vitamin B6 0.026 mg 0.13 mg
Folate 4 µg
(micro gram)
21 µg
Choline 3.7 mg 19.0 mg
Vitamin B12 0.06 µg
(micro gram)
0.28 µg
Vitamin A,
International Unit
2 IU 10 IU
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 0.31 mg 1.57 mg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 1.5 µg
(micro gram)
7.7 µg
Ingredients: carob chips (unsweetened)
Storage instructions: Store in a cool, dry place
Average expiry time: 1 year from production date
* 1/8 US Legal Nutrition Labeling Cup equals 30ml

Unsweetened carob chips (carob chocolate chips) were used to find the weight in grams per a measuring cup amount (US measuring cup and Metric si cup)

US cup = 155 grams = 5.47 ounces net weight
Metric cup = 163.8 grams = 5.78 oz net wt.
Tablespoon = 9.7 grams = 0.34 oz wt.
Teaspoon = 3.23 grams = 0.11 ounces weight

For conversion of different carob chips amounts or values between other measuring units please use the carob chips converter above.

In fact many individuals prefer chips from carob to traditional chocolate chips. I am of course one of them, but, I also do not oppose to chewing a quality dark chocolate with higher cocoa content for example the brands with around 80 percent strength (very little fats and lovely strong flavour.) Whether concerned are a larger carob blocks or carob chips, carob products are made from natural raw carob flour (or carob powder is the same thing, it only depends on by what name either is called) and then added are oils and fats to work as the flour bonding agents (and sometimes in addition other food flavours but logically it’s the best when a carob product is made using the best natural healthy and raw ingredients. I got a carob bar scented with mint flavour in a shop when the mint taste in the bar was quite suitable.)

Apart what’s in the chips from carob nutrition facts table, use the carob chips calorie counter to calculate dietary and nutritional information for any amount of carob chips. E.g. convert value from 1/4 of a cup amount, or 50g, 1 fl-oz servings, 100g, even US legal nutrition labeling cup (240ml/cup). Convert from any portion or measure. The tool also makes conversions of fats into energy units, from any amount of fat contained in carob chips. Details about carob chips are handy as healthy eating tips, for maintaining healthy diet therefore a personal health care plus wellbeing.

The carob chips online web tool makes smooth unit to unit conversions. From any new specific weight scales versus liquid measures. From weight in pounds ( lb ), ounces ( oz ), kilograms ( kg – kilo ), dekagrams ( dkg – dag – deca – deka ), grams ( g ), 100 grams ( 100 g ) portion, pints ( pt ) into an equivalent amount size. Or convert volume measures of carob chips from a value in liters ( l ), deciliters ( dl – dcl ), milliliters ( ml ), fluid ounces ( fl-oz ), gallons ( gal ), quarts ( qt ), pint US ( pt ) liquid, table spoons ( tbsp – tblsp – tbs ), tea spoons ( tsp – teasp ) of carob chips and convert also from measuring cups into either American US or Metric kitchen units. Enjoy this useful carob chips converter for cooking, baking and the nutrition data as health tips for wellness.

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For online collaboration to improve the Carob chips amounts converter | Nutrition facts | Convert to units and culinary measures., requests for new units or web tools additions, send your feedback.

  1. Finally a good comprehensive carob chips nutrients information. With amount conversion.

    Comment from/about : Nutrients in carob chips.

  2. I wish to be buying only carob products instead of chocolate because of the considerably higher amount ratio of L-lysine to L-arginine presence in carob things. Thank you for the nutritional information for carob chips.

    Comment from/about : Nutritional information of carob chips.

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