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Walnuts amounts converter

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Walnuts Amounts Conversion Results :

Step 1: Enter an Amount to Convert

* You may enter whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 1/2, 3/4, 17 3/8)
* Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (0 – 9)

Enter Amount : Precision :

Step 2: Select walnuts
Measuring Unit to Convert From

Step 3: Select walnuts
Measuring Unit to Convert To

Walnuts (shell removed) amount and nutrition facts conversion

Nutritional information table for
walnuts (shell removed)
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 50g walnuts
2 Servings per 100 g
0.3 Servings per 1/8 cup (30ml – 13.7g) *
Energy per 50g serving :
Calories / Kilocalories 347.8 Cal / kcal Kilojoules 1455kJ
  Nutrients : Per 1/8 cup (30ml) Per 100g
Energy 398.1kJ
(95.2 Cal)
(696 Cal)
Protein 2.0g 14.4g
Fat Total 9.5g 69.2g
– saturated 0.6g 4.4g
– trans fat 0.0g 0.0g
– polyunsaturated fat 6.8g 49.4g
– monounsaturated fat 1.7g 12.1g
  – Omega 3 fatty acids 0.9 mg 6.3 mg
Cholesterol 0.0 mg 0.0 mg
Total Carbohydrate 0.4g 3.0g
Sugars 0.37g 2.7g
– Sucrose 0.3g 2.4g
– Glucose (dextrose) 0.01g 0.1g
– Fructose 0.01g 0.1g
– Lactose 0.0g 0.0g
– Maltose 0.0g 0.0g
– Starch 0.008g 0.06g
Dietary Fiber 0.9g 6.4g
Sodium, Na 0.4 mg 3 mg
Potassium, K 60.3 mg 441 mg
Magnesium, Mg 21.6 mg 158 mg
Phosphorus, P 47.3 mg 346 mg
Zinc, Zn 0.42 mg 3.1 mg
Calcium, Ca 13.4 mg 98 mg
Iron, Fe 0.39 mg 2.9 mg
Copper, Cu 0.22 mg 1.59 mg
Manganese, Mn 0.47 mg 3.4 mg
Vitamin C – ascorbic acid 0.18 mg 1.3 mg
Ingredients: all natural walnuts (English wallnuts, no shell)
Storage instructions: Store in a cool, dry place – once opened store in airtight container in a fridge
Average expiry time: 1 year from production date
* 1/8 US Legal Nutrition Labeling Cup equals 30ml

Many smart people consume walnuts for several reasons one of whose is reversal of ageing – prolonging life by 5% to 7% (how is that for benefiting?) – this would be the case with my own grandparents who had 2 or 3 walnut trees in their garden, one masive. Handfull of these nuts (plus dried fruits, mushrooms, eggs and some bread etc.) played a main part of their every day protein intake in their normal diet. They enjoyed long and healthy life for sure. Walnuts are high in fibre and contain omega 6 and quality antioxidants, fats, and protein. For this amounts’ calculator, and the walnuts nutritional facts information table, all natural walnuts without shell were used.
Other forms walnuts come in that I know of are: crushed walnuts, chopped walnuts, crumbled walnuts and ground walnuts – meal from walnuts.

Apart what’s in the walnuts nutrition facts table, use the walnuts calorie counter to calculate dietary and nutritional information for any amount of walnuts. E.g. convert value from 1/4 of a cup amount, or 50g, 1 fl-oz servings, 100g, even US legal nutrition labeling cup (240ml/cup). Convert from any portion or measure. The tool also makes conversions of fats into energy units, from any amount of fat contained in walnuts. Details about walnuts are handy as healthy eating tips, for maintaining healthy diet therefore a personal health care plus wellbeing.

The walnuts online web tool makes smooth unit to unit conversions. From any new specific weight scales versus liquid measures. From weight in pounds ( lb ), ounces ( oz ), kilograms ( kg – kilo ), dekagrams ( dkg – dag – deca – deka ), grams ( g ), 100 grams ( 100 g ) portion, pints ( pt ) into an equivalent amount size. Or convert volume measures of walnuts from a value in liters ( l ), deciliters ( dl – dcl ), milliliters ( ml ), fluid ounces ( fl-oz ), gallons ( gal ), quarts ( qt ), pint US ( pt ) liquid, table spoons ( tbsp – tblsp – tbs ), tea spoons ( tsp – tsp ) of walnuts and convert also from measuring cups into either American US or Metric kitchen units. Enjoy this useful walnuts converter for cooking, baking and the nutrition data as health tips for wellness.

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Walnuts amounts converter with nutritional facts information for walnuts.

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Respond to Walnuts amounts converter

For online collaboration to improve the Walnuts amounts converter | Nutrition facts | Convert to units and culinary measures., requests for new units or web tools additions, send your feedback.

  1. I came over to convert cup of walnuts to ounces, from volume of a cup into walnuts in oz weight measure.

    Amount of walnuts in 1 cup US equals to 3.8 oz ( ~ 4 ounces ) of walnuts. And one European Metric measuring cup full of walnuts is exactly 4 oz of walnuts in weight scales.

    Comment from/about : I convert cup of walnuts into oz measure.

  2. Great informative table and converter for nutritional value per tablespoon of walnuts. I am eating roundgly one tablespeen of walnuts every morning.

    1 tbsp (tablespoon) of walnuts Equals = 0.97 g of Protein ~ 1g
    1 tbsp (tablespoon) of walnuts Equals = 0.43 g of Dietary Fiber ~ 0.5g
    1 tbsp (tablespoon) of walnuts Equals = 0.20 g of Carbohydrates ~ 0.2g
    1 tbsp (tablespoon) of walnuts Equals = 0.00 mg of Cholesterol ~ 0g
    1 tbsp (tablespoon) of walnuts Equals = 4.67 g of total Fat ~ 5g
    1 tbsp (tablespoon) of walnuts Equals = 46.90 Cal (calories and – kcal kilocalories) energy – in diet both are equal ~ 50 cal
    1 tbsp (tablespoon) of walnuts Equals = 196.21 kJ (kilojoules) energy~ 200 kj

    Comment from/about : What is nutritional value tablespoon of walnuts?

  3. Walnuts 50g into oz. This web tool helped me to convert 50 grams of walnuts to ounces measure – it comes to 1.8oz net. and 3.7 floz in whole form shell-less cleaned walnuts.

    Comment from/about : How do I convert 50 grams of walnuts to ounces?

  4. Calories in 50g of walnuts and nutritional facts table.
    Amount : 50 g ( grams ) of walnuts, Equals to = 347.75 Cal ( calories ) dietary energy.
    Amount : 50 g ( gram ) of walnuts, Equals to = 1 455.00 kJ ( kilojoules ) nutritional energy.

    Comment from/about : Calculating walnuts 50g calories?

  5. This one is the best walnut weight converter I’ve seen. Kamila

    Comment from/about : Perfect walnut weight converter

  6. How many grams are in one cup of walnuts? …. I converted cup of walnuts into grams weight. I actually didn’t know that there were different measuring cups one for America and another cup for Europe. My magazine I cook from comes from France therefore it must be the cup measure in SI system.

    Amount : 1 cup Metric of walnuts,
    Equals to : 114.00 g ( gram ) of walnuts or, 4 oz net wt. ( ounces ) of walnuts.

    Amount : 1 cup US of walnuts measure,
    Equals into : 107.9 g (~ 108 grams ) of walnuts or come to 3.8 oz ( ounce ) of walnuts nt wt.
    Fraction : 107 9/10 g ( grams ) of walnuts.

    Comment from/about : What is a cup of walnuts in grams?

  7. I’ve easily mastered answering for myself what is conversion from oz to cup both in walnuts. Amount: 4.5 oz ( ounces ) of walnuts equals: = 1.2 cup, fraction: 1 1/5 of a cup. I am baking a cake with walnuts and having no any scales for weighing. Bill

    Comment from/about : What is conversion from oz to cup for walnuts?

  8. Proper information about about nutrition walnuts have. Yes, walnuts are good for you. I have been eating them, two or three, nearly every day.

    Comment from/about : Walnuts benefits

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